
Saturday, December 12, 2009


Type of service: PTC, PTR
Pay/Action: $0.005 - $0.01
Minimum payout amount: $10
Payments made via: PayPal
Payment processig: INSTANTLY
Premium membership price: Different prices for different types of membership ranging from $10/year to $25/month and $59 for life.
Referral packages: Yes
Members: 209000 (At the time the article was written.)
Paid me: Yes
Website link:

WordLinx - Get Paid To Click

Monday, November 2, 2009


Type of service: PTC
Pay/Action: $0.001 - $0.008
Minimum payout amount: $2 - $8 (increasing from the first payout by $2)
Payments made via: PayPal, AlertPay
Payment processing: INSTANTLY
Premium membership price: $15 - $850
Referral packages: Yes
Members: 180000 (At the time the article was written.)
Paid me: Yes
Website link:

UPDATE: Palmbux has been closed.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Type of service: PTC, PTS, PTP
Pay/Action: $0.001 - $0.10
Minimum payout amount: $1 (PayPal), $1.01 (AlertPay)
Payments made via: PayPal, AlertPay
Payment processing: 7 days
Premium membership price: $9.95
Members: 51600 (At the time the article was written.)
Paid me: Yes
Website link:

UPDATE: The site has been closed.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Jills Click Corner

Type of service: PTC, PTS
Pay/Action: $0.0001 - $0.01, higher values for PTS
Minimum payout amount: $1 (PayPal), $1.01 (AlertPay)
Payments made via: PayPal, AlertPay
Payment processing: less than 7 days
Premium membership price: $3.99 - $34.99
Referral packages: Yes
Members: 138000 (At the time the article was written.)
Paid me: Yes
Website link: